Richard takes a departure from real estate, in this video, to point out the things that will make your life...more fulfilling! ...
Video Blog #4. Do you know the things you can do that will add value to your home? TEAM FORGET'S Richard Forget shows you the best ways to create impact and change the value of your biggest investment...your home!
Sorry folks, still no cute cats in this video but what you ...
TEAM FORGET'S Richard Forget analyses the difference between a deposit and down payment in another "To The Point" video.
At TEAM FORGET we have been asked this question many times by clients. "What is the difference between a down payment and a deposit?" ...
Video Blog #2
It has been a both a blessing and a curse to have the last name, Forget (For-jzay). We use the tag, The Name You Won't...Forget because we want you to "remember" us. We want you to remember the level of our service. We want you to remember that ...
Now this is smart! We all have that one spot in our kitchen where we probably store our pots and pans. It's that place waaaaaay at the back corner that is a real pain to get to. With this kitchen innovation all one needs to do is open the front ...
Complete the form on this page and we will add you to our blog email list. Type "I want to subscribe to your blog" in the comment section. You will be alerted whenever a new one is posted. We blog, of course, about real estate but we also like to ...
Well it is finally here. We were in need for a new vibrant website that is interactive and easy to use. Take a look around and you will see that there is a ton of information in it. We've added pages for our Trade Directory and NEW Client Rewards program. ...