Welcome to the TEAM FORGET Video page. Here you will learn more about real estate in our “To The Point” series of videos that will educate and maybe even entertain you a little. You will also learn about our TEAM FORGET events and news. Check back every once in awhile because we will will adding new videos as we produce them. Also don’t forget to check out our VIDEO BLOG page for current news and statistics.

Richard Forget, of Team Forget, discusses Decorating Mistakes you may be making in your home.

If you own a house, you have one but have you ever given thought to what products are on the market today for you? Richard Forget of Team Forget discusses roofs and YOUR options.


Although the required disclosure of a seller growing cannabis plants is not something new (it has been in the standard form of a real estate agreement for quite some time) it has changed. Richard Forget of TEAM FORGET talks about it in this informative video.

Both Quartz and Granite countertops are long lasting, high end, products but do you know what the difference between them is? Check out our informative video…


Do you know the things you can do that will add value to your home?


Our first BIG EVENT of 2017 was held in April and it was a smashing success.



TEAM FORGET’S Richard Forget demonstrate an ingenous a kitchen innovation.

Richard Forget from TEAM FORGET shows you the best ways to resurrect your CREDIT!

Check back often to see what new and exciting offers are being added to our CLIENT REWARDS page.