November 10, 2015


Our big event on February 12, 2016 was an unbelivable success. The theatre was packed to the rafters and TEAM FORGET could not be more proud. We raised a lot of money for Fight To End Cancer and are ready to do it again soon. Don’t miss out the next time!


Our next event is going to be exclusively for TEAM FORGET followers. Stay tuned to see how you can be a part of it. Check out our video above in case you missed it!




TEAM FORGET is hosting a mega event for all its friends and you are invited. Soon we will be releasing all the details but get ready for a night of nights.

TEAM FORGET will be giving away free exclusive tickets for this event every week from the day we officially announce it, up until the event night.

To join the list of people from which we will be randomly selecting winners from just fill out the form on this page and in the comment section write,”I want to be a part of your event.”

Go to the official TEAM FORGET BIG EVENT page for all future details.